I hope you plan to do something fun today... and to CREATE!!
I marvel every day at the wonder of bringing forth from within, something that has never existed before. To have the privilege to daily give birth to thoughts, to art, to form... to love and wonder.
And to think we have that privilege because mostly, our basic human need for survival is handled. We ARE surviving, no matter the struggles, and, from there we can work each day to create a better world, beginning right here, right now, wherever we are with whatever we have.
Thoughts sprout from seeds floating all around us and through us. Energize those thoughts and they imprint their blueprint in the ether of existence… that mysterious substance that cloaks all existence on earth.
You can see it in images of the earth as the glow of the atmospheric field. That same life-emanating field that protects our planet, also protects all life, and all potentiality.
Just as clouds flow through the sky, and the weather circumnavigates our planet, so too do our thoughts orbit us. Those which we energize are the ones that stay more solidly in the gravitational pull of our personal ecosystem.
‘Imprinting ether” is another way of describing manifestation. This is where thoughts first become things and orbit the etheric field of the body. Those which we focus on — good or bad — thrive to nurture, or to poison. Those ignored or left idle, find fertile ground elsewhere, or wither and perish. This is why daily intentions followed by daily visioning and action are integral to success.
And… this is why we must protect ourselves by clearing negatives with positives… fear with faith, hatred with love, and take action in the direction of our dreams.
When we clean up our inner environment the outer environment also improves.
4 Steps to Achieve Your Goals
The day is the way to create the life you want to live.
~ LeAura
Transformation through creation.