Soulful Sunday, Sunshine!
How are you enjoying—or planning to enjoy—your Sunday?
Devani is visiting, which is wonderful, and we’re enjoying a family weekend as we wind up to this last day of the 30 Day Art & Creativity Challenge. We'll also be shifting to some deep visioning and planning for this next month, and quarter.
Everywhere in today’s world, we see turbulence, inflammation, doubt, uncertainty, hate. AND… we see love, beauty, creativity, compassion, joy and aspiration.
It is in the morning sun that we see the most flaws… the streaks in the windows… the dust that sunlight reveals. Those crumbs on the counter…. wrinkles on aging faces, blemished bodies perfect in our imperfection... our humanity.
And yet in the morning sun we also see the promise of beauty and hope in each sunrise, extending to us the gift of today.
Perhaps the greatest show on earth—the sunrise—is to inform us to awaken inspired and in beauty and to elevate our vision of what’s possible for today.
We are in the morning of a new era of humanity and life on terra firma, as we are finally . Thus we can see all that’s wrong amplified in the perspective of this morning light.
But we can avert our gaze from the negatives which disturb us and focus instead on the good and true and beautiful in the world. What we put our attention on grows, so best—for us and the planet—to focus on the good.
Gratitude, Compassion, Positivity and Action are free and powerful. Employ them daily.
May the dawn of today reveal its gifts to you through the actions you take and decisions you make.