Subject: SUNDAY SUMMARY + You Own It

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.

~Viktor Frankl, Nazi Germany prisoner, author-Man's Search for Meaning, 1905-1997

The one thing we own… that we take with us to the grave and everywhere in between, is our attitude. So don’t let others dictate that for you. 

Own it. 

Your attitude… what you feel and think and how you are in the world — no matter what — is one thing that is truly yours, 24/7 all the days of your life. You can change it but you can never lose it as long as you are conscious. 

You will always have an attitude. So if you want to be happy, choose it carefully and guard it warily.

We cannot be who we are to be based on what is or is not happening in the world.

Elections come and go. Civil unrest comes and goes. And yes it is heightened today, but so too is the good. So choosing which to focus on will make all the difference for you and others whom you touch. 

Mass consciousness is simply evolving through adolescence as the body of humanity evolves. 

We can don the compassionate garb of a mother and love, no matter what, forgive, no matter what, for we understand growing in rightness by going through wrongness. Empathetically, we understand that all that is wrong is just an absence of love, of wisdom, of understanding — our own or someone else’s. And we can forgive that. All of that, for we have all been there about something at some point, and shall be again, for that is the way of being human.

Let us be a pillar of light and a beacon of hope, not a foul fuel fed flame that flares and burns, bringing harm through careless combustion. At least, that is my goal.


Monday, 10/19/20 - In Sync With the Universe

Creating is the way that you get in sync with the universe.

~Will Smith, actor, rapper, media personality, b.9/25/1968


Tuesday, 10/20/20 - Don’t Shrink

If I make excuses, they will define and limit me to believe in them more than I believe in my ability to push through what's hard.

~LeAura Alderson, iCreateDaily®



Wednesday, 10/21/20 - 3 Haiku Prompts

Haiku has four rules.

Three lines with five-seven-five

Seventeen syls all.


Thursday, 10/22/20 - Indian Summer Lament

Take ice cream's last lick

bulky sweaters minimize

the season's behind

~Beth Murphy, haiku & tanka poet



Friday, 10/23/20 - Interludes & Prompts

Interludes create a space of grace that help us reflect on the way for the day, and the cause within the pause.

~LeAura Alderson, cofounder®



Saturday, 10/24/20 - A Brain Event

Every thought releases some type of chemical. Focusing on positive thinking will release the feel good chemical, which in turn, creates more positivity.




The day is the way to create the life you want to live.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

Transformation through creation.


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