It is in adversity that our character is tested. It is in the struggle that we decide who it is we are to be.
~LeAura Alderson, iCreateDaily®
If you’re in stress, you're probably looking at the shadows… the negatives… fear of the unknown and uncertainty… at the messes, the gaps, the chaos and conflicts, of which there are aplenty.
But there’s a way out of the fray… an out from the doubt… a high road to behold.
Divert your gaze to the light… to the good… to the beautiful and the many blessings, large and small, for which to be grateful.
Beginning with you.
You awoke today. Not everyone did.
You have today. Not everyone does.
You can love today. Not everyone will.
You can change today. Most won’t.
But you can. You can choose to by the thoughts you choose to dwell on.
For what we seek, we find.
So please… for your own sake, dwell on the good and from that place of peace and gratitude, take positive action toward your next goal.
Monday, 11/9/20 - Deep Powers
Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.
~Joseph Campbell, literature professor, author, 1904-1987
Tuesday, 11/10/20 - Your Blog
"Your ideas—like your children—need a home to live in. That home is the business you build."
~LeAura Alderson, Cofounder-iCreateDaily®
Wednesday, 11/11/20 - Drawing Prompts
Art is therapy.
Art is comfort.
Art is you on a page.
YOU are an artist.
All of us are artists.
It is NOT an exclusionary term.
~Lynda Suzanne Wright, Artist
Thursday, 11/12/20 - Ain’t Nothing Gonna…
For when you're right with yourself... "Ain't nothing gonna steal your joy."®
Friday, 11/13/20 - The Soul of the Artist
"Art is not in the ...eye of the beholder. It's in the soul of the artist.”
~Seth Godin, author, thoughtleader, founder-AltMBA
Saturday, 11/14/20 - Art Descriptions
Featuring iCreateDaily community member art.
The day is the way to create the life you want to live.
☀️🌙 ⭐️
~ LeAura
Transformation through creation.