Subject: SUN-SUM: What Do You Want?

Small steps each day is the way to massive leaps over time.
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder – iCreateDaily®


What are you working on right now? We encourage you to put your creative work out there. Post it to your social profiles and in the iCreateDaily Facebook group and page. Our goal is to increase our sharing of your work to help more people see it (if that would serve your creative goals).

What do you want and need most to support and encourage you in your creative journey right now?

Any interest in a creative challenge soon? Perhaps in September? If so, what kind of creative challenge would you most enjoy?

Here’s a 5 minute “discovery” survey. We write to you every day… but we’d love to hear from you too please!

SUNDAY SUMMARY of This Week’s Articles

Monday, 8/3/20 - The Ultimate Discovery
Transform negatives to positives... pain to power... bad to beauty, and watch your life soar.

Tuesday, 8/4/20 - What is Creativity to You?
Shannon’s post - asking members for ideas
...and poem - True Heart

Wednesday, 8/5/20 - The Symbol of Water as Emotions
Leveling Up: We are in a phase of evolution where we’re navigating rough waters as humanity voyages toward our next level of growth.

Thursday, 8/6/20 - Dancing With Words (A Garden Poem) + Vision
The other day Shannon shared a comment followed by the poem that would be writ.
“I love waking up to dancing words!”
‘A Garden’ poem which we then published on iCreateDaily and GardensAll.

We also shared some of the iCreateDaily present and future vision:
“As we grow, we will be able to share increasingly more of your creations more often and with more people.”

Friday, 8/7/20 - On Track With Purpose
Take command of your day and your life will follow suit. Being on track with your aspirations always feels right and good.

Saturday, 8/8/20 - Time for R & R x7 (but don't worry... it's not about math)!😉
It is in recreation that we refresh our creative spirit and refill our reservoir of creativity.

The day is the way to create the life you want to live.

~ LeAura
Transformation through creation.
CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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