Subject: SUN-SUM: Love and Benevolence

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Dear Heart,

Try not to worry. Worry stifles love. Fear constricts creativity.

So how to stop that cycle? Check out any of these articles and posts from this week, but especially Wednesday’s.

FDR’s famous quote from his 1933 talk is as poignant today as it was then.
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
~Franklin Delano Roosevelt, (FDR) 32nd US President, 1882-1945

You Shall Not Pass!!!

Thinking of the evil grips of fear brings to mind Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings shouting to the Balrog from the pits of hell:

Fear is a dark force that blocks the light from hearts and minds. By nature, fear constricts and limits. Fear is instinctual and tethers us to our animal brain. A dog chasing its tail… or barking in fear at the unknown.

Humans are part animal and part divine. Our angel self can remind the animal self that all is well with the soul… and all will be well in the world.

We are simply humanity under construction. We are evolving, and often, it is messy.

Let us transmit love, beauty, creativity and hope through a faith that good shall prevail, and let us be that beacon of love. Every time our thoughts stray into the dark recesses of fear and worry, let’s let’s gently — or like Gandalf, unequivocally — redirect them to love and gratitude and envisioning love radiating out from our hearts and minds to a world in need.

All strife, fear, pain and negativity is an absence of love… of light.
We begin where we are with what we have and whomever is right in front of us, and then we expand that circle outward until it encompasses this beautiful blue planet… blemishes, flaws and all.

Let us meditate upon love and beauty and then create that wherever and however we can. We will not be depleted, for Love is a renewable resource, the more you use it the more you have of it.

6/1/20 Monday - When the Going Gets Tough

6/2/20 Tuesday - Awareness is Power

6/3/20 Wednesday - Beyond Fear and Anxiety

6/4/20 Thursday - What would love do?
Poem by Shannon DeAnna 
(We've added this to Wednesday's article, and also below, with the shareable meme on the article.)

6/5/20 Friday - Can Do

6/6/20 Saturday - Comfort Zone

Shannon asked:
“‘What would love do?’ I have an answer…”


What is it love would do
On this dismal day
Raise its head to the skies
To pray for earth today

What is it love would do
As anger fills the air
Raise its arms to hold you
Showing you it cares

What is it love would do
As buildings fall aflame
Raise its ears to listen
Careful not to blame

What is it love would do
As peace fell to its knees
Raise its eyes upon you
To see you honestly

What is it love would do
As we disagree
Raise its hands to yield
Agree to let you be

What is it love would do
Time and time again
Raise you high to heaven
It is love who always wins

Shannon Schofield 6-1-2020

Thinking of you with LOVE.

Create the life you want to live, one day at a time.

~ LeAura
The Day is The Way
CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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