Greetings Friend!
It’s been too long since the last share with you, as it’s the uber busy season of gardening and writing for our gardening website.
But upon awakening this morning, and hearing the birds sing this day into being, this thought wanted to be shared with you.
You are not your body or even your life. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. That is what’s more real and true.
You are more beautiful than you know, more capable than you feel, and more love, light and creative power than you can imagine.
And you can align with that, steadily, persistently, gratefully, through each aware breath.
“The life you live, in whatever state it is in now, is a tremendous gift beyond what you can imagine.“ ~Paul Selig, clairaudient message from the Guides, Starting Over, Day 2
Transformation through creation. Alchemy through Love. ☀️🌙 ⭐️ ~ LeAura The day is the way. ❤️🙏🏻🌹