What’s holding you back from creating more art?
Is it time… uncertainty… doubt…?
The best way out of any creative constriction is to establish the rhythm of creating daily, even if only for 10 minutes.
That’s the huge benefit of committing to a creative challenge along with others committing to that same goal.
- With a daily commitment to yourself comes more creativity.
- When you have an accountability system, such as a Facebook Group of other creators, your more likely to stay in the flow.
- Once you find your pace, that momentum will keep you going and you will be unstoppable!
A few details:
- This 30 Day Challenge starts on September 1st
- It doesn’t matter what level artist you are
- Writers and photographers are also welcome
Many of our Challenges have helped creators, of varying levels, get more comfortable sharing their work in a safe environment.
FEAR stops the momentum of many artists, fear of judgement from others or perfectionism which is often fear in a disguise. Taking the first steps in sharing your creative work in a supportive community is often the first step of overcoming this fear.
If you are struggling with fear of putting your work out in the world, have wanted to make time for more art, or just want to have a blast creating more over the next 30 days…
We hope you’ll join us!As always, we welcome any questions, feedback, or comments via a reply email and/or in the
Facebook group! :-)