Subject: Our Dogs Know This

Yesterday’s email and post on the gardening poem, sparked a conversation in the Facebook group about the therapeutic benefits of gardening and benefits of connecting with the soil.


We’ve written about that here:

Garden Therapy Increases Well Being, Reduces Stress, Anxiety & Depression


But this also reminded me of something I need to be conscious of doing  more often: Earthing.




When we go outside to the garden, one of the first things our dogs do, rather than explore even, is to lay down with full belly contact on the ground.


When the sun’s out, they seem doubly happy, even when it’s hot, for a few minutes soaking up the magnetic field of the earth and the heliotherapy of the sun.


Earthing, is a profoundly simple remedy that’s not only scientifically proven, but just makes good common sense, for it connects us directly with Mother Earth, Add in a small allotment of daily sun, direct on the skin for vitamins D & K, and it’s remarkable the healing benefit to body, mind and emotions.


Connecting with the earth and sun is restorative free therapy worth doing.


Sit out in meditation… in creation… in contemplation… in walking meditation… in conversation and celebration of the beauty all around us.


And notice the shift in presence and peace.


For a free 1:15 hour documentary on the personal and scientific effects of grounding, you might begin here:

The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding (full documentary)


“To know that there are solutions in nature, and one of the biggest solutions is that connection to nature.”

~Mariel Hemingway, actress, author, activist, b.11/22/1961


PROMPT IDEAS (should you wish to engage):

Create garden art or poetry around your thoughts and/or experience of earthing in your preferred medium.


Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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