Hey Friends!
If you’re building any kind of business around your creative interests, this email (pasted below) from a successful online entrepreneur is spot on, with good info to boot.
Miles Beckler runs several successful websites plus his YouTube channel, where he offers valuable information for free. He earns through affiliate recommendations he makes on products and services he trusts as well as through his website. Miles also helps his wife, Melanie, run her successful website of a mission around angels.
I don’t always read Miles' content for I simply don’t have time to, and this is NOT an affiliate connection (I'm not affiliated). But his Subject line caught my eye and the first line resonated with my own thoughts around how we’ve been conditioned to “buy into” shock, fear, scarcity mindset and also an assumption that there are secrets to success that others know and we could achieve if we but had their secret.
But that’s not true.
Don’t buy into any more of the marketing jargon that would have you run hither and to… sign up for this and that in order to finally achieve your goals and be successful. You don’t need that. You already know vastly more to do than what you’re already doing. We all do.
So start with this email and the video too if you like. Or, just start on the very next thing you know will move you forward on the journey to your goals.
Thinking of you and seeing you in your power.
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Miles Beckler" <milesbeckler@milesbeckler.com>
Subject: No more secrets
Date: October 10, 2021 at 1:06:32 PM EDT
To: leaura@triad.rr.com
It's so annoying to see book after book (or webinar after webinar) filled with "Secrets" that are common knowledge for anyone who is moderately well read.
It's absurd...
Outlandish headlines and promises... (aka clickbait)
Then in the 'free training' it's just annoying hype talk and stories attempting to flex...
But no real value...
And, of course... They still charge 997 for their scheme.
Do you want to know the real 'secret'?
It's that these folks who promote the passive lifestyle are working MORE hours than they did at their desk job.
Their 'fancy' lifestyle they overly-curate on IG, FB and Tiktok is their big lie.
The truth?
Quitting your 9 to 5 to be an entrepreneur means stepping up and being 100% responsible, 24x7.
Are you ready for that?
Traffic... It's 100% on you.
Conversions... 100% on you.
Cashflow management... 100% on you.
Think you'll hire people to run the business for you?
Hiring, training, delegating, prioritizing... Firing... It's all on you.
I'm just being real.
How does that feel?
For most who are early on the path if feels heavy or borderline overwhelming...
That's normal because 'the system' has been programming you to be a good factory worker since kindergarten or 1st grade.
Just show up on time...
Sit quietly in row and deal with the busywork handed down from the authority figure...
Don't think creatively or second guess WHY you're doing what you're doing...
Just keep following the processes you've been taught.
And this indoctrination is the opposite of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.
This is the real problem that everyone faces.
Cultural programming designed to turn you into a worker-bee.
Mixed with the lies of the 'easy life' of entrepreneurship from the fake gurus.
It's a double-whammy.
Although this message may have been a bit of a downer (I still think reality checks are healthy, tho)
There are several things you can do in order to build your mindset.
UNSUBSCRIBE from every greedy guru who is promoting a webinar to you...
Or anyone who trys to shill you their 'secret' or 'easy button'
Just walk away.
They fill your head with hopium (based on lies) to sell you a scheme, then they're done with you.
Learn how to ACHIEVE what you desire.
You see...
No one is ever taught achievement...
You're taught compliance.
Which is NOT helpful as an Entrepreneur.
Because you need to be able to set goals, identify the milestones and prioritize what needs to be created NEXT.
Then, go do that...
And figure out what is next.
Now, the process of achievement is not a secret either.
In fact, I broke it all down for you in the free GST Goal Achievement system I released here on YouTube.
It teaches how to find the energy needed to succeed.
How to gain the clarity and focus needed to succeed...
And how to prioritize all those little tasks down to the EXACT thing you should be working on right now.
There's work to be done!
If you've wanted help getting more done in less time.
If you've wanted to become more effective at building your business but you don't know what to work on...
Click that link above and go through the GST system, now!
Miles "The Mindset Maven" Beckler