Subject: Never Easy...

For our fitness brand, we used the phrase: 

“Never easy… ALWAYS worth it.”


That’s because to continue to grow — in essence — requires pushing.


Fitness doesn’t get easier as you become more fit because to grow means to push beyond your current comfort zone, whatever that may be.


It doesn’t get easier because each level has its challenges  — and so it should.

What gets easier is the discipline of doing and the habit of challenging ourselves. What gets easier is the habit of discipline and pushing, even when — and especially when — we don’t feel like it.


An accomplishment, by definition involves challenge and struggle. If we shy away from what’s hard today, it doesn’t get easier.


It never gets easier by putting it off. Rather, the weight of procrastination makes it an even bigger burden.


Naturally, this applies to normal circumstances, not if you happen to be sick today.


Whatever your destination, set a goal, plot your course, and hit the floor running.

Seriously. If you wake up dull and uninspired, act like you’re late for an appointment. Move vigorously and dynamically, and you can elevate your energy and transform your state in minutes... even in seconds.

This power is in your hands and at your whim.


"You measure the size of the accomplishment by the obstacles you have to overcome to reach your goals."
~Booker T. Washington, educator, author, orator, advisor to US presidents, 1856-1915


Should you wish to share this quote, here’s the article for easy access. Just scroll down to Booker or search Booker via Finder.

Wishing you an amazing Saturday!


The day is the way.

☀️🌙 ⭐️

~ LeAura

Transformation through creation.


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