Terrific Tuesday, Creator! |
Let your day be guided by this orienting question:
“What can I do today to bring my life into alignment with my vision for it?” ~LeAura Alderson, Cofounder-iCreateDaily.com
Most creators are dreamers and ideators with more ideas than time. So how to be more productive and how to do more in less time? This is a hot topic amongst artist entrepreneurs these days as well as in our small entrepreneurial family.
We're creative ideators with far more to do than time to do it. Can you relate? So how to be more productive... to get more done but without it taking more time? That's the focusing questions we're asking ourselves each day now, and it is a process of steadily orienting toward that goal.
Most of us go through our day, doing what needs to be done next. We hop from task to task and project to project. Sometimes we hop around to different projects before finishing the previous.
But if you want to grow a successful creative business in the world, it’s critical to learn to focus on productivity, efficiency and expanding your capacity… without expanding your work.
Tim Ferriss’s interesting and entertaining interview with Neil Gaiman. Even if you’re not interested in writing and writers, this depicts a real-life creator’s journey that has become all the more successful over time.
To wit, a book that Neil Gaiman co-authored with Terry Pratchett in 1990, has just this year—nearly 30 years later—been made into a popular TV series, Good Omens.
There’s a lot of “never give up” theme woven into the words and stories of this famous author.
Create the life you want to live, one day at a time.
~ LeAura & Devani The Day is The Way