Super Saturday Greetings! |
We creators have our afflictions like anybody else.
When approaching peri-menopause in her mid 40’s, I, LeAura, was completely unaware of the ticking time bomb of hormonal upheavals underway. Eventually, a very mild hint of claustrophobia and cleithrophobia (fear of being trapped) escalated over time to full blown panic attacks.
The doctors I visited never informed me that menopause could result in a hormonal imbalance of the stress hormone, cortisol, the fight-or-flight hormone. In fact, one doctor prescribed hormone replace therapy (HRT) based on blood test levels that actually escalated the imbalance to such an extreme I thought I might be going mad. I've never been prone to anxiety, fear, excessive worry, etc., before then and now it felt like my body and mind were not my own.I finally altered the dosage myself, and sought alternative natural remedies, thankfully, with much relief. Yet, to this day, ~12 years later at age 60, this is an ongoing issue that I manage using natural means.
Such has often been the experience of my family with allopathic medicine. It’s actually rather funny that allopathic is called “traditional medicine” and yet it’s been around for such a short time in comparison to many of the ancient medical systems and herbal remedies used for millennia. They both have their place; both have value, but whenever possible we seek healing of causes and natural remedies first and foremost along with a healthy organic diet and daily exercise.
Meditation is one such remedy, good for many things.
| PHILOSOPHY "Your quality of thought is linked to breath. Erratic breathing leads to erratic thinking, while smooth consistent breathing leads to smooth, coherent thought."
No one wants to be on medication for life if at all possible. Meditation for anxiety and panic attacks is a powerful natural remedy that you can learn and do for yourself, anytime, anywhere.
Even if you're not plagued by anxiety or panic attacks, meditation is a phenomenal tool for amplifying your quality of life. Meditation provides greater relaxation and peace, happiness and joy, improved overall health and wellbeing, and heightened intuition and creativity. And all of that for free.
Meditation is a powerful force for good in your life.
If you've ever experienced the pulse pounding, fear-inducing, panic attack, then you know how terrifying that can be at worst and anxiety riddled at best. If you haven't, it can be hard to grasp the depth and difficulty of that affliction completely.
Once you've had a panic attack, it's incredibly challenging to stuff that Jack back in the box. Same thing for anxiety and stress, which often leads to panic attacks if left unchecked.
If you’re looking to learn something new to add to your skills and stimulate new creativity, Check Out CreativeLive's FREE On-Air Classes
Create the life you want to live, one day at a time.
~ LeAura & Devani The Day is The Way