Subject: Magic Numbers

Magic Numbers

Have you ever noticed an unusual amount of recurring numbers?

Devani and I have been having some fun exchanges of energy around what we’re calling  “magic numbers”.

And it’s not about the lottery… or perhaps it is…? 🤔

Some months ago I started noticing an unusual amount of double, triple and quadruple numbers. Many times as I looked at the clock as well as other numbers, from work analytics to time-stamps of calls/texts sent and/or received, and receipts, etc., it was happening so frequently and consistently that it finally got my attention.

I shared that with Devani and then she began noticing many as well, (and had a period of this some years ago too). So we started sharing screenshots of synchronous multiple numbers. 

For a while there we were forwarding screenshots of times as they occurred. Although we’ve since tapered back except maybe to the most unusual (harder to come by) multiples such as the 3 and 4 digit ones, as our photos library was getting filled with them.

If you Google it, you’ll come up with all kinds of articles talking about the spiritual (and other) meaning of such numbers.

But… is there anything to it? What do you think?

Have you been noticing lots or repeating numbers? Do you think there’s anything to it?

“The present is a portal into infinity.”

~Erin Lyons, channeled messages

Transformation through creation.
 ☀️🌙 ⭐️

 ~ LeAura

The day is the way.

NOTE: These numbers are just a sampling of the MANY similar synchronous number we've been capturing this year.

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