“The ultimate success in life is being at peace within ourselves when we’re alone, quiet and naked before our conscience.”~LeAura Alderson, iCreateDaily®
Super Saturday Sunshine!If you’re struggling to cast your sights on your hopes and dreams for the future amidst all the worry and uncertainty, that’s normal.
When we’re in the middle of a long-lasting rainy season, it can be hard to imagine a sunny day. Yet no storm lasts forever, and those sunny days will return.
Meanwhile, continue to energize the future you wish to live, while working daily toward that. No matter how small a step, there’s always something we can do toward creating the future we wish to live in the present.
The most important? Is to be the person you wish to be now. Not what you wish to have… where you’d rather live… who you’d rather be with, but you… the kind of person you aspire to be… the vision of yourself at your best and most fulfilled.
Anchor that vision and move in that direction daily.
And if you can't yet do what you love, you can learn to
love what you do.
Create the life you want to live, one day at a time.
~ LeAura
The Day is The Way