Subject: Light Follows Dark



Newness of the day

Bursting forth reassurance

Light follows the dark

~Beth Murphy, poet, writer

iCreateDaily community member, Beth Murphy’s haiku, is the perfect, poignantly simple message for this New Year, 2021.

POST OR REPLY WITH YOUR NEW YEAR’S (or other) HAIKU and we’ll add it to the iCreateDaily Haiku article.

Also, find Beth's haiku quoted above with the shareable meme in the haiku article under the subheading of 'Sunrise', or feel free to forward this email.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!Let’s envision a light and bright 2021 and make it so!

Enjoy today. Play. Dance. Sing. Treat yourself! 

And tomorrow…? Hit the floor running toward the light of your aspirations!


Running toward to Light...


~ LeAura

Transformation through creation.



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