It Was the Chocolate
Yesterday morning an email popped into my inbox that led to complete distraction from my goals for the day.
It was from an organic chocolate company talking about their organic chocolate mint cocoa.
I clicked on it because I had connected with the founders back in 2010 when they — two ladies who were friends – started the chocolate company based on their passion for organic ingredients for healthier chocolate treats.
So perused their website, wondering if they still owned the company or had sold it; wondered how their line had expanded; considered ordering some of their chocolates and cocoa. Then I noted how expensive it was and wondered how it compared to the price of comparable organic cocoas. So I went onto Amazon to price check and found that the price per cup for NibMor was $1.11 versus 40¢ per serving for Whole Foods Organic 365 brand. (#afflink)
Then I realized that this ~30 minutes circumbendibus had nothing to do with my intentions and purpose for the day. Nothing, nada, zilch.
It was time lost, never to have again. It did not serve my purpose for the morning, the day or the life.
If I’ve sent you on that wild goose chase by including the links, I’m sorry. At least you know in advance the best source for the best price in this case. 😊
And yes, of course I love to support small businesses, but that was a dozen years ago and not certain if the original founders are involved, but 2.5x higher in price is steep.
None of this distraction was wrong or bad, but I want to make the most of the gift of the time left here on this planet in this body. And that aspiration is all the more intense as I “mature”, (sounds better and more purposeful than “as I age” 😉 ).
Subsequently, I need to become all the more mindful of time thieves and to guard my time as I might my passport purse when traveling abroad: close to me, diagonally strapped across my shoulder diagonally, where it brushes my heart.
I enjoy purposeful times of relaxation and even recreationally entertaining forays but as much as possible.
The more each moment is aligned and imbued with purpose, the greater and more expansive the moments.
May it be so for you too, if that is your wish.
Transformation through creation.
☀️🌙 ⭐️
~ LeAura
The day is the way.