Subject: “I’d Still Be in Prison”

As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.
~Nelson Mandela, former South African President, author, 1918-2013

Dear Friend,

I… my life… my health and wellness… happiness… joy… positivity… psyche and my very survival is testament to the power and efficacy of positivity and reframing. This is SUCH an important topic for all of us, that I’ve added another 1,200 words to this article and reshare it now.

If you’re struggling with anything at all… or just seeking to steadily elevate your consciousness and personal development, I hope you’ll give it a read and put this highly effective concept to use daily.

This simple principle is free and gets easier with practice until it's second nature and happens automatically. This concept has been found to save many from the need for countless therapy sessions and medications.

Put this tool in your tool chest for daily use and you will see and feel its transformative power.

The day is the way to create the life you want to live.

~ LeAura
Transformation through creation.
CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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