Subject: I Transform

Consider the power you have in this moment to transform one negative to a positive.

Take one negative thought that surfaces or that keeps orbiting your consciousness and bless it. Thank it for the lesson it is presenting to your awareness. Love it for the shadow it holds up to be lightened.

See it as the caterpillar put to rest in its cocoon for the transformation of what is to become soon.

Trust… trust… trust, that we — humanity — are becoming butterflies.

And it all begins within us… each of us, and the power we unleash when we convert just one negative to a positive.

Never underestimate the power of transformation that comes from reframing a negative to a positive.

The creator is the alchemist. Through the process of creating, the creator is transformed.

~LeAura Alderson,®



Create whatever comes to mind in your preferred medium.

E.g. You might write a poem or essay, or an illustration around the power you have to transform, and/or the  life alchemy you’ve experienced through reframing a negative to a positive.



Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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