Subject: I Know

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.
~Stephen Covey, educator, author, businessman, 1932-2012

The missing link from where we are to where we want to go is often hesitancy and an absence of unwavering commitment. 

If we commit to it... truly commit to it, it's done. The decision is over. It's simply not an option. The disease of addictions can have a different root cause and require more serious interventions, but for most of us, addictions are more a choice we've not yet decided not to make.

Sometime I’ll share about my checkered past of addictions, for I’ve done all of them, and so am well acquainted with that of which I speak.

If we commit to it... truly commit to it, it's done. The decision is over. It's simply not an option. The disease of addictions can have a different root cause and require more serious interventions, but for most of us, addictions are more a choice we've not yet decided not to make.

In yesterday’s email on this theme, I forgot to include the link to the article, so here’s that.

Wishing you an awesome Saturday!

The day is the way.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

Transformation through creation.


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