~Tony Robbins
THE PARADOX TO CONSIDER from POPULAR ADVICE:1. It's always best to focus on our strengths first.
2. It's always good to challenge ourselves because that’s how we grow.
So yes… we make progress more quickly by working within and focusing on our strengths… AND we want to expand that circle of ability by pushing against our own limitations.
The Job: decide which boundary you need to push against next.
Skill Needed: deep, unbiased honesty.
Our souls guides us to grow. But how does your soul get your attention? It deposits that knowledge in feelings of discomfort; in dips of depression; in irritation… and even in disease.
Being “out of sorts”, is misalignment with your Being… out of sync with soul.
When we evaluate whether or not to do something, we need to be completely honest with ourselves about whether it's just not our thing... doesn't resonate... doesn't fit... versus... versus whether it's because it's too hard or uncomfortable.
Your soul knows. In your heart, you know. Tune into that channel.
It’s frequency is LOVE.
If we’re out of love… we’re out of sync with soul. The fastest way to get back in sync is to do the hard things we’re procrastinating. Those things constricting our progress and dampening our joy. Those are the shadows blocking our light.
The Freedom Journal quote of the day:Either you run the day or the day runs you. ~Jim Rohn
Start. Sustain. Succeed. iCreateDaily
~ Devani & LeAura