Subject: Good Habits... Good Life

Good habits build the dwelling of your life.
~LeAura Alderson, Cofounder-iCreateDaily®

A good habits list is a handy tool for helping you up your game and improve your life. Substituting just one negative habit for a positive one can make a huge difference over time.

Little things add up over time, good or bad. So best to stack the positives... and they will compound into so much more.

Most people, when asked what they want in life, know one thing for certain: they want to be happy. They may not know exactly what they want and they may not yet have discovered — or created — their purpose, but they do know that they want a positive happy life.

The day is the way to create the life you want to live.
☀️🌙 ⭐️

~ LeAura
Transformation through creation
CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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