'What gifts within you have yet to be opened? More than you could ever imagine.' ~LeAura Alderson
The very best gift you could ever give yourself is to open the shutters of your heart and unwrap yourSELF.
The best way to discover your true self… that self that’s not been covered up by the shoulds of others is to daily do work that matters to you.
You are happy when you play and enjoy fun things. Everyone is and we all need those breaks.
You are fulfilled when you do work that moves you… that matters to you... that must be done before you go.
What is that inner urge that you’ve been avoiding? What is it that you feel compelled to do?
When you know the answer to that… then do that. You must do that.
Wishing you all a WONDERFUL and RESTORATIVE Christ-mas and Soul-stice! Rekindle your spirit. We’ll be off for a few days and then will be picking up speed in preparation for the beginning of the new 90 Day Goals period.
Thank you for your participation in the iCreateDaily Group. It’s been a pleasure getting to know each of you, and looking forward to more.
A Wonderful, Joyous Christmas and Solstice… period of rebirth and renewal to you all.
Start. Sustain. Succeed. iCreateDaily
~ Devani & LeAura
CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States