Garden Newsletter: Marconi Peppers, Japanese Eggplant, and Persimmons
Harvest This Week:
In a addition to our wonderful Marconi Peppers, we've taken in the last of our tomatoes, a peak crop of okra, a few Japanese eggplant, and a hand full of American persimmons. These wild persimmons are very sweet, pulpy, and almost all seed. While not quite as sweet, the Asian persimmons have much smaller seeds and more edible fruit.
Before we go, we welcome your comments and photos. In particular, do you have a favorite sweet pepper you like to grow. Please, offer your comments and photos on our Facebook page, or send us an email.
As always…
"May your gardens flourish and your harvests be bountiful, and when you look upon your little Eden, may you see that it is good."
~Coleman Alderson,
Tally hoe!
Grow Great Gardens!