Subject: Frustration

It’s a good idea to begin to become more aware of just how many frustrations we tend to engage in a day.

From irritation at dropping one's phone, to traffic, to being put on hold, to losing something, breaking something, irritating conversations and people… in this modern era, the list of stressors could go on and on.

We can get caught up in the habit of being frustrated. It is a common drama to see played out all around us

Or, we can transmute frustration. In fact frustration can become creation.



  • Reflect on your last frustrations and how you handled it.

  • Notice your next frustrations and.

  • Consider how significant is that frustration. Will it matter a year from now…? A day from now?

  • Ponder how to transform that frustration into creation.

Create whatever comes to mind in your preferred medium.




Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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