Do you have a hunger inside of you that says, 'I want to know more… ' 'I want to learn how to get the best out of myself.' 'I want to make an impact?'
~Tony Robbins, entrepreneur, speaker, author |
Wonderful Wednesday, Creator!
Ponder the following. Create whatever you’re inspired to, using your chosen medium. For what do I hunger? What yearning has been my constant companion?
DAILY FEATURE "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
If you've followed our content for awhile, you'll know that we're big on education and learning. However, also equally passionate about alternative education.
Appreciation to iCD member, Cindy Trippe Wentworth, for taking the leap to pursue her dreams to write, art and travel, and… to create daily!
| Create the life you want to live, one day at a time.
~ LeAura & Devani The Day is The Way
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