Subject: Follow-up to Fear and Phobia

A number of you indicated that yesterday’s post (email / FB post) was good timing for you… that it’s similar to some things you’re wrestling with.


And yes… so much of who we are today is a product of our past, of this and other lives. The greatest transformation comes when we spend more of our thought-life energy focusing on gratitude, positives and the future we wish to live in and then support that through the action we take throughout each day.



Beyond that, we are all cosmologically influenced by intense energetic alignments that are putting much of humanity on a hair trigger, especially if we’re tuning into the cataclysms of the media and world news. 


Did you know that in the heavens the planets are arraying in formations not seen for over 2,000 years…? 


We can see the effects of that intensity and this pivotal point in human evolution everywhere.


The good news is that there is LOTS of good news, if we will but tune into that rather than the negatives.


THAT is what the planet needs from us… what humanity needs from us… AND… what WE need from us. 


No one… NONE… and especially us, need our negativity, reactivity and fearful anxiety.


It achieves nothing good for us or anyone.




“It’s so important for people to remember that we’re the creator of our lives instead of the victim of it.”

~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962

SOURCE: Interview with Lewis Howes


May you perceive, receive and create beauty in your day❣️🙏🏼🤗



Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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