Fine Feathered Friends
It’s almost 1 a.m., and for various reasons, I’m still awake after several attempts to sleep. So I took some natural remedies and opened my computer to get the day’s email ready and scheduled in case perhaps I'd be able to sleep a little later than usual in the morning.
I hadn’t done it earlier as I was helping my mother, who is approaching this life’s end. She’s ready to go and eager for her next great adventure, though she does get frustrated at the things that are no longer working. #relatable
The first thing I saw upon opening my computer, was an email from a GardensAll (our gardening website) reader who had just read our white cardinal article.
The email was from an elderly lady, and it’s a little hard to read. It was sent from her Android, so perhaps a speech-to-text with errors, but I share it exactly as received, because it warmed my heart and I think it may for you as well.
SUBJECT: Being visited by a white cardinal since it was a baby!
Hello,My name is Renae, and I live in a small town in Indiana not far from the Ohio border.I live out in the country around Amish country we call it.for months now I have been seeing a beautiful white Cardinal.I noticed her since she was very small.i think she just flew out of her nest not long before first seen her.what a beautiful bird and feeling because too me these birds are my high life while in this old house.She keeps coming back and I have a shelf outside my kitchen window so I started cutting bird feeders on it and the reason is because I found a baby bird on the ground summer of 2001 or spring but I raised this bird and it was a female blackbird that literally imprinted on me.i let her free because I didnt think it was fair too keep her inside and not be free since nothing was wrong with broke my heart but i put bird seed out on the shelf in my kitchen window for her.i only seen her here and there but not in my there's a few neat story's about her still but this is about my little friend the white Cardinal.ive seen her 4 times.amd shes bigger then when I first seen her.i haven't caught a pic yet I'm hoping too next time.but I'm a bird lover and I did have also something near happen and I do have vids and even the birds footprints in the snow of the blackbird I named Luna before i new she was a blackbird.i heard her chirping this winter in my bedroom window.i said too my husband while still both of us in bed,i said "its Luna in the window calling me"! So i wake up a few hours later and sure enough there was her foot prints all the way up into my window! It had snowed so much and froze over that she came first help! So i got worm suet balls and cages too put worm suet blocks in them and there she was! As soon as i put them out she was outside my window and i have windchimes that part of it looks like a stick.she lands on that when the food is smart.ive caught her doing i have had a few very neat story's about birds that seem too come into my life.i will always help them.i love all of them.thank yOu.just wanted too share a few things.and about my white Cardinal experience and my blackbird experience. RENAE GK.
And then I went to YouTube to grab a video link of what I had intended to share with you today, before seeing and reading the email from Renae, and this is the first-up video that I had to click on… more birds, and so precious!
Sometimes diversions from purpose become the purpose as a pause that refreshes.
I share these with you today because they are about love and positivity. Something we can’t have too much of and which many need more of in today’s tumultuous times.
May we remain ever open to the love in each moment… and may we multiply it.
Transformation through creation.
☀️🌙 ⭐️
~ LeAura
The day is the way.