Subject: FRIDAY: Fit; Fun; Food; Reframe


 Train your brain to find the good. And you will. Find it.
~LeAura Alderson,®

Reframing for Retraining Your Brain

Reframing your thoughts from negative to positive is a powerfully simple way to retrain your brain. It works.

Like most things worthwhile, it's not easy at first but with practice it gets increasingly easier until it's so much a part of your nature that you do it automatically. In fact, it's a lot like working out.

Exercise not easy either but it gets results and the more you do the stronger you get and the easier it gets to do it.

What starts with effort becomes an effortless habit, and a habit becomes a way of being.


Eating healthy keeps us feeling healthy, and when you feel good, it's easier to create.
Our favorite staple food that we usually have in the fridge to heat up for meals and even snacks, is roasted vegetables.

It's simple to do, easy, delicious, nutritious and you can eat lots and still lose weight, especially when using the cruciferous veggies.'

I know some of you are working on diet and health, so here’s a recipe for one of our favorite dishes… substitute whatever veggies you have on hand.


“Food Aikido” is the same as reframing, it’s all about redirecting the flow of our energy from where we don’t want it to go to where we do.


Amaze yourself. Create everyday for 30 days. Please join us for the February iArtDaily Creativity Challenge. If you haven’t already signed up, here are the details.

Create the life you want to live, one day at a time.

~ LeAura
The Day is The Way

CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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