Subject: Exhausted But Elated

Yesterday I set out to learn a new tool for growing our websites. It’s called Web Stories by Google


The initial tutorials seemed simple, but there were a few technical issues to learn at first, such as learning:

  • What it is, how it works, benefits and drawbacks

  • What plugin (program) to use, then installing that

  • Toggling between our ad company’s instructions and Google’s instructions

  • Toggling between settings in Google Search Console, Google Analytics Dashboard and our ad company’s dashboard.

  • How to connect it to our website analytics dashboard

  • Learning how to create images and “stories” in the new creator dashboard 

  • Toggling between Canva and Web Stories and trying to figure out which was best for what


It wasn’t easy. There were many places where the instructions didn’t help because they used terms I didn’t know and which sent me to another link to learn about before I could continue. Then at that “informative link”, more unknowns were encountered which had to be clarified… definitions upon definitions until I lost track of that original page of instructions.


Like looking up a definition that defines the word with more words you need to look up.


I wanted to quit and move onto something faster and easier. Something I know and enjoy more like an article to update or create, keywords to identify, refine and track, or an email to write while thinking about what might serve you. 


It was hard to slow down enough for a deep dive into a challenging (for me), technical learning process.


I figured it would take an hour or two to learn, then an hour or two to create a few “stories”.


Instead it took more than 11 hours. Or, at least it took me 11 hours.


I wanted to give up. I didn’t do my usual daily exercises: dog walking; biking and/or resistance circuits, all a part of what keeps me balanced and healthy.


My brain felt overloaded and slow, exacerbated by the fact that I should have been able to do it all so much quicker.


But I was determined. So I got it done. 


At the end of it, when hitting “publish”, I was exhausted but elated. 


The elation of accomplishment was exhilarating because I:

  • tackled something hard

  • kept going when I felt tired and overwhelmed

  • didn’t give up

  • Accomplished my goal


Then I turned on some 80’s dance music while beginning the mundanity of nightly bedtime rituals. I couldn’t help but boogie for a few tunes. The music — along with my victory —  immediately energized me out of exhaustion.


Never underestimate the power we have to push through hard. When we do, we are strengthened.


If I make excuses, they will define and limit me to believe in them more than I believe in my ability to push through what's hard… my ability to be my best.



Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

The day is the way.

P.S. If you have a blog or website that you'd like to improve in terms of traffic and growth, let me know; I can help.

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