Subject: Exhale Love

Love and Light… Heart and Mind… Passion and Presence…

Light - Mind -  Presence

Love - Heart - Passion

2/22/22 must be a special day! But we don't have to stop there. Each day can be special if we bring it in attitude and consciousness.

What if we can imagine every atom we breathe in to be light, and every exhale to be love?

As we go through our day, whenever there are moments of free mind time, such as walking from one room to the next, getting ready, eating, bathing… so many opportunities in the day to reorient to conscious creation through conscious breathing.

One of the meditations I do is on love. There are variations to it, but in general, it goes like this:


Inhale Light

Exhale Love.

With every inbreath, envision light flowing in to fill your being.

With every outbreath, envision love flowing out from your heart to:

• Fill the space within you

• Fill the space around you

• Fill the room where you are

• Fill the home where you are

• Keep expanding outward with each breath, until your exhales of love surround the planet.

Variations can include when/if you wish to send love to specific individuals, groups or countries, then they become your focus.

If you engage this meditation you will feel more love in your mind and your day, even from just 5 minutes of this process. Add to it throughout the day whenever you have mind time, and you will notice a difference.


Write, draw, sing, paint, dance…

…Create whatever comes to mind in your preferred medium.

"My experience of Meditation on Love...."

Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️

~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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