Subject: Emanation

Every criticism, judgement, resentment… every negativity is an absence of love. 


If it is emanating from us, we are depriving ourselves in that moment, of love. To send out negativity will return negativity back to us. According to spiritual and physical laws — karma / ‘as ye sow’ and the first law of thermodynamics  — what we put out there will return to us in kind.


Better to put love out there.


If the negativity is projected toward us, the one transmitting it is out of alignment with love and thus suffering.


We can transform the impact upon ourselves and others by elevating that energy through understanding, empathy, forgiveness and compassion. 


We can understand that even when it seems personal, it isn’t, not truly. For that negativity cannot be sent from where it doesn’t exist within. And where it resides within, is not a happy place.



Imagine the transformation possible through conscious positive emanation rather than anger and agitation.



Our true self is Love, so when we’re “out of love”, we’re out of self… out of alignment with Who we really are.



Each schism out of alignment with Love is there to inform us and remind us to return to Love… return to Love… return to Love.



For that is who you really are. A return to Love is a return to You… to that eternal flame of divinity that is YOU.



I would love to see your creations and thoughts (art, writing, etc), on this.



Sending You Much Love,

Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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