Subject: [ERRORS FIXED] Did You Know That Picasso…?

THANKS TO BELINDA 💜for letting me know about some major errors in the first email, and since fixed in this one!! 😲

It's always so helpful to have extra eyes to go over content. I look forward to the day when we can hire an editor to help catch these before they go out! 😊

Meanwhile, please never hesitate to let me know if you see any. We know that writers — and editors — are more likely to miss our own mistakes! 😜

"To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."

~Pablo Picasso, Spanish artist, 1881-1973

Did you know that Picasso worked up until the day he died at age 91? He kept his usual schedule of painting from around until 3 am on Sunday April 8th, which was literally just hours before his death on 4/8/1973.


Every creator probably understands why.

It wasn’t work for him. Creating was him. It  WAS life.  His life.

Don’t let the MANY insidious distractions today… the red circle, dings and flashing notifications pull you off course. Nor the headlines of shock and tragedy.

Stay the course. The course of your soul. The highest course that compels you.

To see the life of Picasso series.

The day is the way to create the life you want to live.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

Transformation through creation.


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