It’s a very subtle yet powerful adjustment.It’s a shift to, ‘Yes I can’ and ‘Yes I will’... to ‘Let’s try this’ and… the simple, ubiquitous Nike slogan: ‘Just do it.’
This is where we adopt a learner’s mindset, a.k.a. ‘Beginner’s Mind’. Beginner’s mind is the mind of a child. “Lest ye be as little children…”
The child jumps in with both feet, ever ready for adventure and delight. As adults we tend to weigh out and deliberate. This mental approach is well and good, but it can even leave us stranded in the cul de sac of “analysis paralysis”.
Often there is wisdom in just doing, because it is in the doing that the way becomes more clear. Will mistakes be made? Undoubtedly. Mistakes are the stepping stones of progress. Do not avoid them.
Mistakes show us the way. Do not fear mistakes. Do not fear making the “wrong” choice. On the journey there is no “wrong”… it is all learning and adjusting.
Mistakes show us how to do it better. Avoid mistakes and you avoid getting better.
The bottom line? Don’t let the fear of making the wrong choice stop you from making progress… from proceeding… from doing. There is no wrong way or wrong choice in this. It’s all an evolution toward better and to do is to be on that journey.
through January 1st!
iCreateDaily Quote
"Mistakes are the stepping stones of progress. Do not avoid them. Mistakes show you the way."