Day 88 ~ 7 Step Decision Making Process ~ Q3 2018
As our 90 Days for the 3rd Quarter is coming to a close, we're sending a series of goal setting emails and posts this week.
"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success." ~Pablo Picasso, Spanish artist
Today we're exploring the topic of deciding your goals.
If you’re having a hard time narrowing down to your top 3-5 things, this 7-step process takes you deeper into discerning that. 1. List your top 10-25 goals under consideration.
ASK (and place a checkmark next to all that apply).
- 2. Which of these things will move me closer to my career and life GOALS?
- 3. Which of these things can be done in the least amount of TIME?
- 4. Which of these things can be done in the least amount of EFFORT?
- 5. Which of these things can be done in the least amount of COST?
Place a checkmark for each of these next to all applicable options on your list. Some will have multiple checkmarks.
6. Which of these things do I most want to do and ENJOY? (Place a star next to those).
Now, you probably have at least one thing on your list that has multiple checks and a star.
7. Circle it. Circle the option(s) with the most checks plus a star. That’s your next goal/s to focus on.
Then go back to that list for the next thing with a circle, star and the most checkmarks until you have your top 1-3 goals to focus on for the next 3 months. Write them below. To identify your next focus goals, you can just repeat this process with the remaining items (that didn’t make this top 5 list) and/or new additions.
Start. Sustain. Succeed!
~ Devani & LeAura The Day is The Way!