Subject: Day 5 of 7 Day Creative Challenge

Three Whoopsies:

  1. Our email system appears to have sent duplicates of yesterday morning’s email, (at least I received them doubly). Sorry for that inbox clutter! I’ve submitted a support ticket.

  2. I inadvertently sent you our gardening newsletter yesterday evening. Whoops! That was my mistake in not noticing that iCD list checkbox was checked to receive it.

  3. The day before's Challenge meme said "you" when it should've been "your". Sigh. Happens.

Please pardon the glitches! Upward and onward!

Journal prompts or morning pages, done daily, will summon your creative powers at will.

~LeAura Alderson, cofounder®

7 Day Creative Prompts Challenge - 3 Steps:

  1. Read, reflect, then write or illustrate your thoughts.

  2. Share in the iCreateDaily for Creators Facebook group in the comments of today’s post, (if you'd like to share it).

  3. In this group we focus on praising and highlighting each other’s strengths. If however, you’d like to invite people to share constructive feedback ideas as well, add #feedback to the end of your post.


DAY 5 PROMPT: Overcoming Fear

5a. What is a fear that you have overcome? 

5b. Journal about some of the lessons you learned from overcoming that fear. 

5c. How can you use that to overcome other fears?




The day is the way to create the life you want to live.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

Transformation through creation.


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