Day 49 ~ Morning Lark, Night Owl or Hummingbird?~ Q3 2018
"Morning Lark, Night Owl or Hummingbird?
- 20% of the population are morning larks, (wake up before 6 am without an alarm; to bed by 9 pm)
- 20% are night owls (often to sleep after 3am and up around 10 am)
- 60% are hummingbirds (somewhere in between)"
~ John Medina, Brain Rules
Are you a morning person?
Okay... so if you're not a morning person or a morning lark, stick with me for a few, as there's something in this for you too.
Yes, there are natural night owls, and you may be one if you think you're a night person and daylight, mornings and alarm clocks cause you to cringe. However, most homo sapiens will fall in with the cycles of nature's day creatures once they're back in touch with their body's innate tendencies. All but around 20%.
Dr. John Medina, in his landmark best selling book, Brain Rules, says that most people are hummingbirds. What?!
Start. Sustain. Succeed!
~ LeAura & Devani The Day is The Way! |