Subject: Day 4 ~ Happy Independence Day! ~ Q3 2018

Day 4 ~ Happy Independence Day! ~ Q3 2018

“It is human destiny to create… to be co-creators of art, industry and life itself. It is our privilege to create the life we want to live. We are the only ones who can.”
~LeAura Alderson

You’ve probably noticed that we love quotes, so this post is about freedom and includes freedom quotes, inspired by the 4th of July Independence Day Holiday, but relevant any time wherever you are in the world.

We must never forget that today, no matter our life circumstances, we are free to create. Not only are we free to create, but we must create to fulfill our destiny.

It is human destiny to create… to be co-creators of art, industry and life itself. It is our privilege to create the life we want to live… and we are the only ones who can.

Start. Sustain. Succeed! 

~ LeAura & Devani 
CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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