Subject: Day 13 ~ Positive Attitude of Gratitude ~ Q3 2018

Day 13 ~ Positive Attitude of Gratitude ~ Q3 2018

"Gratitude brings peace and imbues every cell of your being with a gentle grace."
~LeAura Alderson,

Never underestimate the power of a positive attitude.  Recently, my husband Coleman and I each spent over 7 hours (for a collective 14+ hours!!!) embroiled in tech support for a glitch in our connection to our email and websites.

It was no one's fault... just a combination of glitches between the many pieces of the technological puzzle. The pieces involved ISP, LAN, host, email, Apple mail, and two different tech supports teams, each consulting with their lead techies, plus Coleman and me.

This was NOT in my plan today, and I already felt behind. I already had more to do than the day is long. However...

Start. Sustain. Succeed! 

~ LeAura & Devani 
The Day is The Way!™
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