Subject: Dancing With Words


Today’s appreciation post is for iCreateDaily community member, Shannon DeAnna Schofield. Shannon is a writer of poetry and published her first book last year.

The other day she shared this poem and intro:

“I love waking up to dancing words!”

And Shannon proceeded to write the words that would be writ into a lovely garden poem.

A Garden

My body sits restful on this shore
My mind is idle and in a bore
My heart yearns for something more
And I thought of a garden

Daisies dancing in my mind
Regal roses smell so fine
Glads stand tall in a line
In my dream of a garden.

For the rest and the poem in text and shareable meme, please visit us at the iCreateDaily website.

A Snippet of the iCreateDaily Vision
Our growing vision is to become an increasingly beneficial resource for sharing your work with a larger audience than you may have yet accumulated on your own.

As we grow, we will be able to share more of your creations more often and with more people.

For instance, Shannon's poem is now on the iCreateDaily website, as well as our gardening website, It's being shared now in the iCD Facebook group, and soon to the iCD Brand Facebook page. Further, it will also be shared to the GardensAll Facebook page as well as our Planting for Retirement Facebook group

Oh! And Shannon's poem will also be shared to our quotes website, Each of these shares include Shannon's social and/or book links, as they will for you. 

Together, through caring and sharing, we can help each other grow.

We currently have iCD members who are also members or fans of the gardening pages, for just as these are intersecting interests in our lives, the same is true for some of you.

For instance, we have (currently neglected) recipe website and are behind in sharing some wonderful recipes from our folks. We also own (also currently neglected) and look forward to growing that into a website of heart centered stories. 

All good things in good time.

We have huge visions of greater service to you as time goes on so please don't hesitate to share what kinds of things would serve you more and most.

Small steps day by day become giant leaps forward. The Day is the Way.

Grateful for you, and wishing you a wonderful day!

And thanks again to Shannon for her ongoing participation and regular comments and sharing.

The day is the way to create the life you want to live.

~ LeAura
CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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