Creativity and innovation are fueled by curiosity and a willingness to fail.
~Chip Conley, hotelier entrepreneur, author, b.10/31/1960
As we wind down 2020… a year like no other, let’s remember to cast our vision into the future we wish to create.
When it's time to emerge from the cocoon of 2020, what metamorphosis has occurred in your life?
As for me, I will be creating less new and updated content for iCreateDaily so that I can infuse more life into important projects I’ve neglected.
I am compelled to work on iCreateDaily, and I have reams of ideas to write that are in drafts for later. But for now, I need to shift my focus to other responsibilities. I have been doing the work of 3 people, even after pausing on the podcasts, and that’s not practically sustainable.
So for now, posts may be shorter, and sometimes just memes, especially from now to year’s end, as I catch up on things, including my own goal setting and visioning. I’ll also be clearing out old stuff and learning new apps and support systems, and realigning with Purpose.
So these next 10 days are a great time for reflection, clearing, learning, visioning and reorienting.
What are you working on? I’d love to hear any updates and insights you’re working on for this year’s end and into 2021.
We can trust that things will improve, even if they first get worse.
This Week’s Articles
Monday, 12/14/20 - What if
“'Failing forward' has become my mantra since I began painting . Every 'fail' is still a step forward in my art journey, because I learn something of value every time. It doesn’t stop me or slow me down . It actually compels me to move forward, to do it again and do it better until I get it right.”
~Mary Peters Ballesteros, artist
Tuesday, 12/15/20 - Humor and Greatness
"All of the adversity in our life is to initiate us into greatness. It's to call out something greater in us."
~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/24/1962
Wednesday, 12/16/20 - Saga Resolved
“The capacity to be present to everything that is happening without resistance, creates possibility.”
~Rosamund Zander & Benjamin Zander in The Art of Possibility
Thursday, 12/17/20 - Live a Good Present
“Striving and struggling for a worthwhile goal is how you live a good present.”
~Benjamin Hardy, PhD, psychologist, author
Friday, 12/18/20 - Share Your Dreams
“Achieving your dreams begins with thinking them, speaking them, writing them and working them into existence.”
~LeAura Alderson,®
Saturday, 12/19/20 - Imagine + Art Supplies
“Failure makes you stronger if you learn from it and weaker if you run from it.”
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®
The day is the way to create the life you want to live.
☀️🌙 ⭐️
~ LeAura
Transformation through creation.