Happy SUNday Friend❣️ (though it's rainy in NC!)
Well... this (below) grew, so I finally took the time to publish it onto iCreateDaily website, should you wish to read and/or share from there. It's the first that I've carved out the time to publish in over a year! Wow!!! How time is flying! From daily emails and (almost) daily article publishing to over a year!
But, it's all good. Now, I'm still writing and publishing mostly one article a day; it's just been necessarily for our gardening website at this time, which as I've said before, I also enjoy doing and am grateful to be able to!
When we’re in conversation with friends and family, we speak and expect they will respond and vice versa. That’s the way conversation works.
It’s the same with conversations with the Universe…with self… with soul… with spirit… with God… with Source… by whatever name is most resonant for you.
It’s just that we’re not in the habit of getting quiet enough to listen to the reply.
And it’s not just our words that are heard and responded to, but also our thoughts. Especially our thoughts, for they are the womb of our words and their health determines what is birthed into our lives. What we manifest… what we create.
There are simple ways to get into the habit of hearing the subtle messages waiting to respond to our seeking… waiting to be heard and received to serve.
How to Have Convos With the Universe
Affirmations, (AKA Attunements, invocations)
Quiet time in nature
Vigorous activity outdoors in nature
Childlike attitude of awe and wonder
Creating - and let spirit to lead the creation
Do you think that when you create from the elevated space of any one of these, that it will make a difference in your creation?
In your state?
In your peace?
In your joy?
In your day?
And what if you cultivated that as a way of life, weaving it into the fabric of who, what and how you are? And then add in another one… another one positive habit per day or per week or per month until it’s as natural as your next breath.
No need to wait. It doesn’t have to be big; doesn’t have to be the perfect timing or circumstances.
The very best time is now in this moment. Start. Just one elevated thought…emotion…action.
And then the next. One at a time.
The Universe is awaiting your call.
It’s time to create the space to hear It.
I would love to see your creations... art, writing, thoughts, etc., and if you have any convos with the Uni to share.