Subject: Confidence

“Confidence is built by making progress in an intentional way.”

~Benjamin Hardy, organizational psychologist, author, philosopher

An acquaintance said,

“It would be better to use other people’s quotes instead of your own.”

She went on to say that people like to share quotes they’re familiar with… the ones by famous names throughout the ages. (You know… the ones that everyone loves and shares). 

That rather than share our own, we should wait for others to share it for us.

Hmm… should a singer sing only when asked? A painter only paint when commissioned, or share his work only by way of others “discovering” and requesting it?

For any artist to get their work known, they must get it out there. For the art to do it’s work of touching others, it must be seen, and to be seen means the artist must take the plunge of courage to share it generously and abundantly. 

In the early days, the creator must publish and self promote. It isn’t hubris, it’s essential for the art to survive and thrive. Do your art, share it generously, and eventually, others will take over that task.

“Art is a personal act of courage, something one human does that creates change in another.”

~Seth Godin, entrepreneur, author, speaker, teacher, b.7/10/1960

Create your art, and share it out loud.

The day is the way to create the life you want to live.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

Transformation through creation.


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