Subject: Confidence

Self confidence is the process of keeping the promises that you make to yourself.

~Ed Mylett, magnate, author, coach, speaker, b.4/27/1971

Fear is a shared human experience. So is doubt and uncertainty… love and loss… success and failure. And… so is our ability to overcome and prevail. 

The world is full of stories of those who’ve triumphed against all odds. And… it is also full of those who’ve given up, who thought it too hard, whose vision and patient perseverance were short sighted. 

Let not that be you.

If we tell ourselves it’s too hard, it will be. If we tell ourselves, we’ve got this, that we can do it no matter what it takes, we will.

If you're going through a challenging period in your life, remember, the cycles of life come and go. There are always periods of contraction and expansion, elation and deflation of spirit. During such times we cast our gaze and our goals into the future. Vision the future you want to have and begin working on it today. And then again tomorrow.

Studies prove that all we have to do is think of a negative disempowering word for our energy to be adversely impacted. Say it out loud and it becomes more true. Repeat that story and we’ve written our life into being.

Vastly better to write the right version to life. Write the story you wish to live, then set goals toward that. Write the right story daily through the decisions you make and the actions you take.

And most importantly, don’t be discouraged by failures and obstacles. We grow stronger by climbing out of them and jumping over them. The more we do it the more we know we can do it.


Monday, 12/7/20 - Doubt

"Doubt is just another form of distraction. Ignore it."

~Ed Mylett, author, speaker, b.4/27/1971

Tuesday, 12/8/20 - Posture of Possibility

If nothing was holding you back, what would you do?

Wednesday, 12/9/20 - Destined to Grow

Do not become set in your ways. Buildings are set, concrete is set, but people?  We are living organisms destined to grow all the days of our lives.

~LeAura Alderson,®

Thursday, 12/10/20 - What is the Point?

"Ultimately, we are not the avatars that we create. We are the light that shines through."

~Jim Carrey, Actor, comedian, musician, producer, cartoonist, b.1/17/1962

Friday, 12/11/20 - F.E.A.R

Fear affects us as if it is real, but usually it's conjured. We can break that spell.

~LeAura Alderson, cofounder -®

Saturday, 12/12/20 - Love, Leadership & Burritos

"There's a lot more that unites us, than divides us."

~Monty F. Moran, former Chipotle CEO, author, filmmaker

The day is the way to create the life you want to live.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

Transformation through creation.

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