Today’s post may ruffle some feathers, but help others to fly, so please just keep an open mind, either way.
If you've seen this or any of our posts before, please revisit as it's probably been updated and further elaborated. We're going through a process of combing through and updating the content of our entire site (other websites too), one article at a time. It's laborious but advisable to any of you with websites. Better for your site and brand growth to update and improve existing content than to just create new ones. As a writer and editor, I can never read any piece without seeing some way to improve it. I used to dread that part of writing but I've found the joy in that over time. Perhaps it comes with age and the patience to go deeper with things.
MEANWHILE... if you're thinking of College for you, your kid/s or grandkid/s… Please think twice. Here’s why. “College does not guarantee success. College does not guarantee a job. Nearly half of college educated Americans are not using their college degree.” ~Study by Pureprofile Today, you can create your future through a self-designed curriculum focused on exactly what you need, when you need it.
“We’ve never lived in a world where formal education mattered less.” ~Gary Vaynerchuk, magnate, speaker, thought leader |
| EDUCATION however, is ESSENTIAL! #AutodidacticU #AU
There's another HUGE reason to heed this: your happiness!
We see far too many people over 40 unhappily stuck in uncreative jobs, or retiring from years doing what they had to and now they're trying to reconnect with their "want to" and greater creativity and meaning.
Create the life you want to live, one day at a time. ❤️🙏🏻🌹 ~ LeAura ☀️🌙⭐️ The Day is The Way