"How can I be positive, hopeful and joyful when the world is a mess and so many are struggling, suffering and worse?"
Because the world needs us to.
Because our living in fear, worry and stress will help no one. Feeling the pain of others will not help them, and yet it could adversely impact us.
So what can we do? We are creators. So we create.
We can create love and beauty in our day through presence, creativity, hope, prayers, compassion and love… above all, love.
We can trust in a higher good, and have faith in the working out of the karma of humanity. We can trust there to be the rainbow after the storm, the sunrise after dark, the sprout after a fire.
We can trust in the incredible resiliency of the earth, of humanity and of ourselves.
And for every negative thought of fear, stress, strife, judgment, worry… for every single negative, we can find a positive and flip it around.
And as we do, our lives change too.
And the world. That, one person, one family, one friendship, one interaction at a time, is how the world will change. And it will happen faster and easier than we think. The more positivity we create in every moment we’re awake in awareness, the faster the changes we’ll see and experience and in ways beyond what we can imagine.
Prayer, meditation and healing circles are all proven to elevate and positively influence people, illness and environments.
You may enjoy Lynne McTaggart’s books: The Field and The Intention Experiment.
Beyond the recipients, it also positively elevates and influences the life of the sender.
The magic of love given truly unconditionally, reaches the recipient without departing the giver, for love given is love multiplied. It expands the heart and increases the capacity for more love.
Transformation through creation in awe and wonder.
☀️🌙 ⭐️
~ LeAura
The day is the way.