"Being an authorpreneur is about embracing the business of selling books." ~Devani Alderson, Cofounder-iCreateDaily.com
What is an Authorpreneur? Selling books, especially fiction books, is no walk in the park. Unless the park is on fire, molten lava is spreading like The Black Plague, and the rocks you're hopping on are melting as you make your escape.
So what's this "Authorpreneur" thing? Well firstly, it's not just another obnoxious word you constantly misspell. Being an authorpreneur is about embracing the business of selling books.
Note: We are having some technical site issues so the audio file might not be live by the time you're reading this. However, the video is working! Topics Discussed:
- An author interview we’re excited to share
- Non-fiction vs fiction market
- Building an audience
- Outsourcing PR vs doing your own marketing
- Listening to the market
- Ongoing learning
- Healthy body and mind
One of the ways we get traffic to our websites is through Pinterest. The more relevant traffic we drive to our websites, the more we earn from ads, affiliates and sales. You can also find almost any creative niche on Pinterest.
If you’re not on Pinterest, it may benefit you, IF YOU:
- Like Pinterest personally, so you’re already on it and familiar with it
- Are looking for a way to send more qualified buyer-centric traffic to your offerings
- Don’t want to spend time in chatty social media engagement
OUR PINTEREST SHORTCUT TOOL: However, Pinterest is a hungry beast that requires lots of content which is time consuming. (Think of a giant red Pacman.)
Create the life you want to live, one day at a time.
~ LeAura & Devani The Day is The Way