Subject: Attracting More Good

Attracting More Good


Living fully in the present through gratitude of this moment and steadily and persistently throughout the day sets forth a rhythm and a vibration that attracts more for which to be grateful.



The negative tapes of the past constrict a brighter future. We can shed them like old clothes that we’ve outgrown as our body of light expands.



“Let’s stop telling the story of your past and begin to tell the story of your future.


People who aren’t defined by a vision of the future, for the most part, are left with memories of the past. Your brain is a record of the past. It’s an artifact.”

~Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, neuroscientist, lecturer, author, b.3/22/1962



This video has a clickbait catchy title, but the content is wonderful and powerful.

SOURCE: Interview with Lewis Howes





Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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