Subject: Art Descriptions

“Sailin”, by Kevin McGeeney

Naming artwork can dramatically increase the interest and salability of your artwork. Give your art a story, and that increases further. The best art descriptions are short stories that captivate the imagination of the reader and help them connect with the creator and her work.

But don't let the word "story" scare you. A story can be a sentence that leads the imagination into a story idea, so it doesn't have to be elaborate. In fact a story idea can arise from one word that accompanies art as a name or title, and which paired with the art, brings abstract concepts to life through the eyes of the beholder.

In this article we’re featuring some art work from community members, Liliya Harpe and Kevin McGeeney as examples of lovely art with simple art descriptions that give added dimension of meaning.

The day is the way to create the life you want to live.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

Transformation through creation.


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