Subject: Antidote

“The antidote to self pity and negative thinking is gratitude. Find something to be grateful for… the roof over your head, food in your stomach and the fortitude to continue executing on your goals.”

~Jay Samit, serial entrepreneur, investor, author, b.1/31/1961

I’ve tuned into two interviews with Jay Samit and am also listening to his latest book. Within just the first 1.5 chapters I’d already easily extracted 35 quotes worth sharing, with many more to add as time permits as I make my way through his book.

Jay speaks from many years and multiple mega success stories, and works with top management in top corporations around the world.

And yet via multiple mediums, these are the kinds of people we all have access to thanks to the world wide web.

If you're running a business or are interested in creating a business and in entrepreneurship, you’ll want to tune into Jay’s quotes, interviews and books. But start with the first two since they’re free and yet also great.


The day is the way to create the life you want to live.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

Transformation through creation.


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